7 Durability Considerations for uPVC Windows in New Zealand for Better Buildings

New Zealand’s diverse climate, ranging from the sunny North to the icy deep South, presents a huge durability challenge for most construction materials. When it comes to window frames, surviving in the face of varying temperatures, high humidity, and exposure to intense sunlight is paramount. In this context, uPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) emerges as a […]

H1 Compliance Genius: R0.74 windows offer design freedom back!

When it comes to H1 Compliance, by far the greater energy savings are possible from the worst performing elements. This seems obvious, right?  Ok, answer me this then; if you could increase either your roof or your windows by R0.01, would it make a difference which one you chose?  Most people think the logical answer […]

Window installation in NZ; the one big mistake commonly made in New Zealand

Good quality windows and doors deserve a good quality window installation.  And that means they should be installed recessed into your wall; not hung out over the cladding as is so commonly done! In other words, the warm barrier down the middle of the glass and down the middle of the frame needs to be […]

What is a good R-value for windows in New Zealand?

A good R-value for a window in New Zealand is R0.65 to R0.8. You can achieve this with: How do I know the R-value for my windows? The R-values of windows are made up of two important factors, both of which you can ask to change or specify. (Also note that you may come across […]